Use "etruscan|etruscans" in a sentence

1. Apartments and Villas a stone's throw from the beaches of Riva Etruscan!

Appartements und Villen einen Steinwurf von den Stränden entlang der Küste der Etrusker..!

2. The given name Martin is an Anglicisation of the Roman name Martinus, derived from Mars, the god of war. The name is thus likely to have an Etruscan derivation (see Mars ).

Martin ist ein männlicher Vorname , Familienname und Toponym .

3. A.F. Marcucci (1717-1778), in his "Saggio delle cose ascolane" (1766), asserted that the word Ophis has the same meaning - both in Greek and in Etruscan - that is "snake"; according to him, then, the Etrurians had founded Offida.

Die Burgen von Montalto, Amandola, Comunanza, Appignano und Offida wurden, seiner Meinung nach, von den sich ins umliegende Hügelland vor den Langobarden flüchtenden Ascolanern gegründet.

4. The three stars hotel Alta La Vista is located in Tuscany in Marina di Castagneto, one of the best known places of the Etruscan Coast, awarded by the European Union with the Blue Flag for the sea and the services offered.

Das Dreisternehotel Alta La Vista, liegt in der Toskana in Marina di Castagneto, ein der berühmtesten Orter der Küste der Etruskern. Der Ort wurde mit dem Preis der blauen Flagge der Europäischen Union für die Reinheit der Gewässer und die angebotenen Dienste ausgezeichnet.

5. You can loll with the students from the International University on the steps of the Cathedral or amble down the broad pedestrian way from those steps to sit on a bench at the other end and watch as the Umbrian hills dissolve into a twilight vision that is the landscape behind the Mona Lisa. The more energetic can hike out to St. Angelo's in the northwest of the city, where sixteen ancient columns form the centrepiece of a brick church that glows with the light from garnet windows on a site that has been sacred from the times of the Etruscans.

Perugia ist reich an Kirchen und Klöstern.